COSAC 2024 COSAC Connect COSAC APAC 2025

COSAC APAC 2025: Melbourne, Australia

COSAC APAC: Melbourne, 25-27 February 2025. For 30 years COSAC has delivered a trusted environment in which to deliver information security value from shared experience and intensive, productive, participative debate and development. #COSAC2025 Call for Papers is now open.


2025 Call for Papers

You are invited to submit proposals for premium quality papers to be presented at COSAC APAC 2025. COSAC’s conference agenda is selected by a committee of previous attendees who look for special content: unique, thought-provoking, innovative strategies and methods, research or case-studies that reveal real challenges and inspirational solutions.

The deadline for submissions is 31st July 2024

For full details please download our cfp form and return completed submission to [email protected]

Download PDF

Shared Experience, Real Value

Want to get a better insight into what COSAC is about? Click below to view the COSAC Value Propositions and learn what separates us from other Information Security industry events.

No Sales Pitches

Sales and product content is strictly prohibited in COSAC sessions

Designed for Experience

Participants average more than 15 years of security experience – been there, done that, got the t-shirt

Strictly Limited Numbers

Small numbers provide intimacy & privacy to focus on individual & collective challenges

Unique Trusted Community

Content presented under Chatham House Rule or full NDA. Proceedings are never published outside the conference

Focused on your challenges

Programme selection by COSAC customers maximises relevance & value

No Holds Barred Participative Approach

Say what needs to be said, plan what needs to be planned, no matter how thorny the InfoSec issue

No Vendor Exhibition

No time wasted running the security vendor gauntlet

Uniquely Valuable & Enjoyable

Set the highest expectations for quality & long-lasting security value

Solutions for Today & Tomorrow

Be inspired by a blend of leading-edge information security strategy with pragmatism & realism

Truly Global

Cultural diversity enables learning from peers on every continent & every sector

Highly Interactive

Be enriched by a culture in which everyone has an experience worth sharing & an idea worth exploring

Delivering Benefit over Profit

Focused on meeting the real security needs of our community, not on generating profit

What Our Participants Say

  • Rob Hale - Fellow, Lockheed Martin

Fantastic! The briefings, the professionals, the atmosphere drew me in and never let go.

  • Esther van Luit - Specialist Master, Deloitte

Priceless! The sharing of experience and wisdom is fantastic.

  • Lisa Lorenzin - Director, Emerging Technology Solutions, Zscaler

Momentarily terrifying, incredibly thought-provoking. An utter privilege to attend.

  • Robert Laurie - Web Services, Department of Planning (Western Australia)

Awesome, amazing and very welcoming.

  • Helvi Salminen - Information Security Manager, Gemalto

Always stimulating, endlessly interesting and exhaustively challenging.

  • CTO, Mitsubishi

Wonderful conference. Stimulating sessions. Enormous fun.

  • Valerie Lyons - COO, BH Consulting

An eye opener to real practitioners and real experience.

  • Lynn Griffen - Barrister

Nothing comes close to COSAC.

  • Richard Nealon - Information Security Manager, AIB

The ultimate contribution to knowledge assets.

  • John O'Leary - President, O'Leary Management Education

Quite simply the greatest security event on Earth.

  • Jacoba Sieders - Head of I&AM, ABN Amro

Words cannot convey how good this conference really is.

  • Ajit Gaddam - Chief Architect, Visa

A conference reinvented the way a conference should be. I can never miss this again.

COSAC APAC 2025 Sponsors